Jesus Rebukes Peter In The Garden

17:1), and the agony in the garden (matt.
Jesus rebukes peter in the garden. It is forceful language and is designed to show peter that his thoughts are directly opposed to jesus' purpose and mission so that they could only have been inspired by satan. A:jesus rebukes peter in mark 8:33, saying to him, get behind me satan, for thou savourest not the things of god, but the things of men. peter had just rebuked jesus for speaking of his. Yet, he called judas friend even when he knew he would betray him.
The οϋν here is introduced between simon and peter, as if to imply that it was not merely simon son of jonas, but simon the rock, the man of mighty impulsive passion, ready, as he said a few hours since, to go with his master to prison and to death. Here jesus asked them to watch with him and pray so they would not fall into temptation (matthew 26:41), but they fell asleep. Another example of this is found in john 13:27.
But the rebuke to peter in mt 16:22 seems especially strong because he rebukes him as if satan himself is standing there. Then, ‘after singing praises, they go out to the mount of olives.’ they head eastward to a garden called gethsemane, where jesus is accustomed to goingonce they arrive at this pleasant spot among the olive trees, jesus leaves eight of the apostles behind. Jesus called peter “satan” when he tried to keep jesus from going to the cross.
But in his spiritual dullness, peter doesn't perceive that jesus' arrest and crucifixion is god's will to redeem mankind. Peter was telling jesus, this is not going to happen. It is also a word describing how christians brothers are to relate to each other in a spirit of forgiveness:
Because of the closeness he felt to christ, peter could not humanly accept the fact that christ would have to die. Peter was inadvertently being used of satan in thinking he was protecting jesus. You can call peter stupid, a fool, and spiritually dense, perhaps.
Also, jesus was fully ready to die for all of us after praying in the garden, and he had been willing all along, but the human emotions naturally got to him and he had to pray the last part of it through. Point being, any one who kept jesus from fulfilling his appointed task, regardless of their standing or heart condition, was against the greater good. So, instead, he seeks to thwart the arrest with his sword.
When peter said, “from strangers,” jesus said to him, “then the sons are exempt. When you look at verse 22, the bible says that peter pulled jesus aside and began to rebuke him. Peter’s galilean accent is an indication that his denial is false.
But, as we know, they didn’t stay awake, they fell asleep, not because the hour was late and they were tired after a long day, nor even because of the wine. Satan seized on peter’s emotional tendencies and influenced him to rebuke christ as he did. The lord came for this very hour, and to rebel would be against the father's will.
As jesus and his disciples enter the garden of gethsemane, he tells them: Jesus chose twelve apostles, and from the twelve he chose three — peter, james, and john — to be his most intimate friends. So the charge is leveled against peter:
9:25), diseases (luke 4:39) , and the elemental forces of nature (mark 4:39). Peter needed an immediate attitude adjustment, which he made. The words indicate a sudden movement (ὁ δὲ ἐπιστραφεὶς), accompanied by a keen searching look at his disciples.then he singles out peter, and addresses to him, in their presence, the severe rebuke, get thee behind me, satan:
In contradistinction to the varying opinions of even those best disposed towards christ, it openly declared that jesus was the very christ of god, the fulfilment of all old testament prophecy, the heir of old testament promise, the realization of the old testament hope for israel, and, in israel, for all mankind. However, so that we do not offend them, go to the sea and throw in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up; But while jesus wasn't concerned about helping himself, he was concerned about malchus keeping his ear, and also about rebuking peter's violence.
“no,” said peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” john 13:8 jesus instructs peter, “unless i wash you, you have no part with me.” peter fails to stand by jesus side and falls asleep in the garden of gethsemanie right before jesus is killed. “stay awake, watch!” the implication is that they’re about to learn something, a lesson is to be taught. As the evening began, after jesus and his disciples had celebrated the passover, they came to the garden.
Peter still didn't fully understand that jesus had to die for the sins of the whole world so we could escape hell and be with him forever. Jesus recognized the suggestion for what it really was and immediately rejected it, at the same time, rebuking peter for it. But you can't call him a coward.
Innocently, peter was doing the same thing. Moreover, one in the group is related to malchus, whose ear peter cut off. At some point, jesus took three of them—peter, james and john— to a place separated from the rest.
The great confession of peter had laid the foundations of the church as such. Peter resists jesus when he says that he is going to wash peter’s feet. Peter loved jesus and was very attached to him and to think of his death was unacceptable.
Jesus finishes praying with his faithful apostles. The word “rebuked” in the greek carries with it the meaning of “censure, warn, or admonish.” the words jesus used in both accounts were “get thee behind me satan.” He had not yet grasped jesus’ true messianic purpose.
They alone witnessed the raising of the daughter of jairus (luke 8:51), the transfiguration on the mount (matt. Well, fear of pain and death will do that to most people, and peter was no exception. “i saw you in the garden with him, did i not?” when peter denies this for a third time, a rooster crows, as was foretold.
Jesus' mission for coming to earth was a healing one, the bible says, meant to lead people to peace with god, within themselves, and with others. Fast forward to peter cutting the servants ear (john 18:10), it's the same issue. In suggesting that jesus resist god's will, peter was imitating satan who made the same suggestion to the first couple in the garden of eden.
In peter's attempts to stop the lord's death, he was not helping but hindering christ's mission. And when you open its mouth, you will find a shekel. He offers several rebukes to peter here.
Jesus responds to peter in mark 8:33 we are told that jesus rebuked peter.